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Re: Coltivazione Ruta Siriana

Inviato: ven dic 29, 2017 3:11 pm
da ayaxxx
In teoria è molto facile, in pratica negli ultimi 5 anni ho collezionato un numero imprecisato (100%) di fallimenti. Molto più facile comprare i semi dalla Giordania o dall'Iran, visto che costano praticamente nulla. :)

Re: Coltivazione Ruta Siriana

Inviato: ven dic 29, 2017 3:51 pm
da BeJake
ayaxxx ha scritto:
ven dic 29, 2017 3:11 pm
In teoria è molto facile, in pratica negli ultimi 5 anni ho collezionato un numero imprecisato (100%) di fallimenti. Molto più facile comprare i semi dalla Giordania o dall'Iran, visto che costano praticamente nulla. :)
Composizione del terreno, temperatura, esposizione, ecc..?? :)

Re: Coltivazione Ruta Siriana

Inviato: ven dic 29, 2017 9:41 pm
da ayaxxx
Di ogni tipo, ma davvero! Ufficialmente la ruta necessita di terreno povero, sabbioso, arido. Essendo una pianta desertica può sopportare escursioni termiche allucinanti e bla bla bla.... Con me non ha funzionato, è l'unica pianta con la quale mi sono arreso totalmente.

Re: Coltivazione Ruta Siriana

Inviato: sab dic 30, 2017 12:43 am
da CloneXY
Anche a te i germogli morivano piccoli o non germinava affatto?
È vero i semi non costano nulla ma ci tenevo ad avere la pianta per vederla crescere

Re: Coltivazione Ruta Siriana

Inviato: sab dic 30, 2017 12:43 am
da BeJake
ayaxxx ha scritto:
ven dic 29, 2017 9:41 pm
Di ogni tipo, ma davvero! Ufficialmente la ruta necessita di terreno povero, sabbioso, arido. Essendo una pianta desertica può sopportare escursioni termiche allucinanti e bla bla bla.... Con me non ha funzionato, è l'unica pianta con la quale mi sono arreso totalmente.
Su dmt nexus mi hanno detto che necessita di terreno sabbioso a ph neutro possibilmente e va tenuta umida durante la fase di germinazione. Sto cercando di reperire più informazioni possibili.

Re: Coltivazione Ruta Siriana

Inviato: sab dic 30, 2017 1:10 am
da BeJake
Ho anche trovato questo:

hi guys not sure if anyone has been growing Syrian rue seeds or interested but here is my growing experiences with this plant.

i used three different soils to see which gave the best results.

seed raising soil. transplanted into regular potting mix.
seed sprouted early however the roots did not seem to grow deep. plants seemed to fall over or die soon after seeding stage. about 3 died for about 10 sprouts. i used a 400w light and grew inside due to cold weather. seedlings would burn rather easy so a thin sheet was used to reduce the intensity of the light on the plants. water these plants from the bottom and keep well watered until sprouted then water only when dry other wise mold will grow in soil. transplant was difficult due to lack of root growth and how thin the roots grow. only 3 survived transplant so my advice is to not transplant these plants however get a deep pot and layer the soil so that the plant reaches the different soils as it roots grow. the plants are now well establish and bigger the the 1/2 sand mix however there are less.

half potting mix and half sand.
the seed grew well. not too far behind the soil plants. roots grew very deep. the root began to come through the bottom when still every young. the plant would not have been 1cm tall with 4 leaves however roots had reached well over 15cm down. i also used a 400w light with a sheet to reduce light and keep temperature warm. all survived seedling stage. transplanting was still difficult but most seemed to recover. only one died but this due to root breakage. this could be avoided if they were grown in a deep pot from the start so no transplanting is needed. plants are doing well.

soil and sand with lime.
adding lime to the soil didn't add any benefit to the growth of the plant or it survival rate. this maybe due to the fact that i have natural spring water which is already alkaline. I'm not sure if the use of lime will increase the amounts of MAOI seen in the seeds later on or not.

my overall results are that that it is best to avoid transplanting these plant if possible as roots are deep and very very thin. a 1/2 sand mix is best for plant survival however plant will grow much faster in plain soil. seeds sprouts from seeds were around 3-4 sprouts for around 15-20 seeds. i got 30 sprouts from a gram of seed. warm temps are good for growth but harsh light will damage seedling. they respond incredibly well to natural light. overall time frame for growth is 0-10 days to see first signs of sprouts, 10-40 days then transplant is needed.

when plants are established the best method to avoid over or under watering the plants is to only water when plants start to lean over( around 3-5 days ). Then give the plants a very good watering from above and use a pot with plenty of drainage. there is no need for the soil to be moist at all times or mold will grow so allow to full drain dry. once established they are very hardy plant so little attention is needed.

update: out of the three groups the half sand half soil plants are leading in growth and are the most healthy looking. they are striving in warm temperatures but still restricted to a few hours of afternoon sun light as a full day of direct sun light seems to be too much and plants seem to dry out. good news is that no plant have died since i lost a few during transplanting.